Perth Mint Platinum Price
Below you will find out all you need to know when it comes to the Perth Mint Platinum Price.
You may look at the price of platinum with the Perth Mint and wonder why it is higher than the spot platinum price quoted at the top of this page. This is because the Perth Mint Platinum Price is made up of three components:
- Spot Platinum Price: This is the price of platinum available for immediate delivery in two days’ time, as quoted by the Perth Mint. The price is taken from the international markets and is the same price you will see quoted on the likes of Bloomberg and Reuters.
- The Platinum Spot Price Premium: This is the percentage charged on top of the spot platinum price. This varies depending on the amount of platinum you choose to purchase.
- The Certificate Fee: The Perth Mint charge a set fee for the printing and sending of the unique certificate that shows your legal title over a set amount of platinum. Each Certificate is recorded with the client’s name, the Mint's name, details of the holding and is signed by an official of the Mint.
At GoldCore we offer clients the opportunity to hold unallocated Platinum Perth Mint Certificates. This is one of the most affordable ways to own platinum as it gives you all of the benefits of holding the precious metal in your portfolio, but without the fees incurred when you choose to hold a metal on an allocated basis.
When you invest in unallocated platinum you are investing in platinum that is 100% backed by the precious metal held in The Perth Mint’s working and display inventory. This not only includes some of the impressive investment-standard platinum products available for the general public to view, but also the platinum held for refining and manufacturing purposes.
The Perth Mint Certificate Program is the only government owned and guaranteed precious metal certificate program in the world. It is backed by the Government of Western Australia which has an S&P AA+ rating. You can also rest assured about the transparency of your holdings as the Perth Mint is regularly audited by the Western Australia State Auditor General.
Invest in platinum
Platinum is a fascinating metal to invest in. It is a highly industrial metal, with the majority of mined platinum used in industry. If you own a car then in all likelihood it will contain platinum as the metal is used to make catalytic converters. This is because its reduces the release of toxic fumes from the car engine. It also has applications in electronics, chemical processing, petroleum refining, medical and dental applications and glass dies. It is increasingly desired for applications in fuel cells and other new technologies in order to combat global warming.
Allocated precious metal certificates
If you are interested in holding allocated metals, then please see our allocated gold and allocated silver pages. However, please be aware that allocated holdings incur additional charges due to the fabrication and storage fees applicable to these certificates. Overall, we find clients prefer to hold unallocate Perth Mint Certificates as they offer all of the benefits of precious metals investment but without the additional fees.